ANY1 CHOCO(エニワンチョコ)は、「植物性原料・乳製品不使用・小麦粉不使用」の3つのこだわりでチョコレートを作る、ニュースタンダードなチョコブランド。“For all, with all. ” をコンセプトに、世界中の誰もが誰とでもおいしいお菓子が楽しめる、そんなワンダフルな未来を目指すブランドです。
Any1 Choco is a new standard in chocolate brands, dedicated to three key principles: plant-based ingredients, dairy-free, and gluten-free. With the concept “For all, with all,” we aspire to create a wonderful future where everyone around the world can enjoy delicious treats together.
LED oversees the creation and supervision of all designs for Any1 Choco. By leveraging innovative technology, we have taken a novel approach to chocolate-making, distinct from traditional methods. Our goal is to deliver friendly, accessible packaging that everyone will enjoy.